How to Avoid Teamwork Disasters: Crash Course Business – Soft Skills #12

Group projects have a reputation for being difficult at times. But there are ways to make sure everything from the project to meetings about the project goes smoothly. In this episode, Evelyn chats about how we can make sure and avoid dreaded teamwork disasters.


HBR: Cullinan, R. (2016) “Run Meetings That Are Fair to Introverts, Women, and Remote Workers.”

IDEO: 7 Tips on Better Brainstorming (note: this is bad advice, but a good representation of what the traditional process of brainstorming looks like)

Mulvey, P., Veiga, J., and Elsass, P. (1996). “When Teammates Raise a White Flag.” Inc. Torres, T. (2016) Why Brainstorming Doesn’t Work (and What to Do Instead).

Harvey, J. B. (1980). [The Abilene paradox]. United States: publisher not identified.