Socialization: Crash Course Sociology #14

Last week we introduced the idea of socialization and today we’re talking a little more about how it works, including an introduction to five main types of socialization. We’ll explore anticipatory socialization from your family, the “hidden curriculum” in schools, peer groups, and the role of media in socialization, and we’ll discuss total institutions and how they can act as a form of re-socialization.


  • Coleman, James S. 1961. The Adolescent Society: The Social Life of the Teenager and Its Impact on Education. NY: The Free Press
  • Hill, David, et al. “Media and young minds.” Pediatrics (2016): e20162591.
  • Vittrup, Brigitte, and George W. Holden. “Exploring the impact of educational television and parent–child discussions on children’s racial attitudes.” Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy 11.1 (2011): 82-104.
  • Kearney, Melissa S., and Phillip B. Levine. “Media influences on social outcomes: The impact of MTV’s 16 and pregnant on teen childbearing.” The American Economic Review 105.12 (2015): 3597-3632.